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VYHLEDÁNO V TITULCÍCH: počet nalezených příspěvků: 1

Basic anatomy and physiology of the eye and visual pathways

Basic anatomy and physiology of the eye and visual pathways

Human eye works like a digital camera.

Light is focused primarily by the cornea — the clear front surface of the eye, which acts like a camera lens.
The iris of the eye functions like the diaphragm of a camera, controlling the amount of light reaching the back of the eye by automatically adjusting the size of the pupil (aperture).

autor: Alena Furdová | LF UK v Bratislave | disciplína: Oftalmologie, optometrie | kategorie: Lectures, Presentations | klíčová slova: eye globe anatomy, uvea, retina, efractive errors, moypy, hyperopy, astigmatism, eye globe layers, retina, uvea, refractive errors | příloh: 1 | zobrazeno: 2815x | publikováno: 1. 4. 2020 | poslední úpravy: 2. 4. 2020

VÝSLEDKY NALEZENÉ VE FULLTEXTU: počet nalezených příspěvků: 9 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 3

Biophysics of perception, receptors, vision
.. Adaptation. Biophysics of Vision. Anatomy of the Eye. Scheme of the Eye. Vitreous body. Retinal..

Neuroophthalmology - Diseases of the Optic Nerve and the Visual Pathways
.. nystagmus, blepharospasm, seizures of the eye or eye muscles, and hemifacial spasm). The..

Ocular trauma
.. resources toward preventing such injuries. Both eye trauma victims and society bear a large,..

Suché oko
.. suchého oka (dry eye syndrom) je v poslednom čase jedno z ochorení, k..

The Use of the Er:YAG Laser 2940 nm in complex caries removal
.. using the laser. Safety rules concern eye protection to avoid possible eye damage of..

Aortic dissection
.. to enter the media, which is then split into two layers, creating a “false lumen“ alongside.. .. isocoric, bilateral fotoreaction, anicteric eyeballs, pink conjunctivas, tongue in a mid..

Acute abdomen - gallstone ileus
.. , the both ends of jejunum was sutured in two layers (Figure 4, 5). Pathologist described in samples..

Femtosecond laser in cataract surgery
.. refractive outcomes after NHS cataract surgery. Eye (Lond) 2009;23:149–52. Murphy C, Tuft..

Genetické aspekty malígneho melanómu uvey
.. is associated with aggressive type. In Exp Eye Res. 2006, vol. 83, no. 4, p. 911-9. 7. Chowers,..